The marketing behind the John Lewis Christmas advert 2019
John Lewis Christmas Ad 2019
Today the ever-anticipated John Lewis Christmas advert was released. Every year, thousands wait expectantly to enjoy laughs and tears for a wholesome couple of minutes in November. Following Waitrose and Partners’ recent rebrand, this year will be the first time Waitrose and John Lewis provide a joint advert, and it does not disappoint. The story follows an adorable green dragon, Edgar, and his friendship with a young girl called Ava. Frustrated because his flames are stopping him and Ava from joining in with Christmas activities such as ice skating, Edgar hides away. The end of the advert shows Edgar utilising his flames to light the Christmas pudding, pushed in the right direction by his friend, Ava. A cover of Can’t Fight This Feeling by Bastille’s Dan Smith provides a fitting soundtrack and to coincide with the dragon theme, the cast are dressed in medieval garments.
Why is it so popular?
But what is it that makes John Lewis Christmas adverts so popular year after year? Since its first opening in 1864, John Lewis has become a trusted and well-known brand, loved by many. They currently have 51 shops around the UK as well as an ever-growing online business. If you visit one of their stores, you have the choice of brands, clothes, furniture, makeup, home wear, ornaments and everything in between. John Lewis has utilised its market and is recognised and trusted everywhere.
If you combine that trust and brand awareness with a well made, wholesome advert, it’s easy to see why people are so keen to see it return every year. Add a classic song, covered by a current artist and you are set for a very popular advert.
Social Media
Social media plays a massive part in advertising and marketing, with an estimated 3.484 billion people using some sort of platform. It’s no secret that some of us spend hours of our day scrolling, watching and purchasing on our phones and laptops. John Lewis has jumped straight on the social game, with an Edgar Snapchat filter and custom Edgar emoji for twitter. With 16 million UK Twitter users and 16.2 million on Snapchat, if users haven’t already seen the advert, this little green dragon will certainly encourage them to do so. That’s without the thousands of people who will be posting their comments online.
As well as flooding social platforms, John Lewis has already created a new range based on Edgar. Without even realising, this green dragon is suddenly a recognisable family favourite. A cuddly Edgar toy, children’s pyjamas and slippers and Waitrose’s matured Christmas Pudding. You can even enjoy an Excitable Edgar chocolate gift pack with your very own edible Edgars. All new products feature a link to the new advert.
With such ingenious marketing it’s no wonder that this advert is so popular and millions flock to John Lewis every year for their Christmas shopping. There are also so many other Christmas adverts that portray their own story for the company’s audience to enjoy, some with market intent and some without. If you’re looking for digital marketing experts, look no further than boxChilli. Our team have comprehensive knowledge of design, development, PPC Management and SEO. Don’t hesitate to get in contact with our experts today.